Compassionate support and guidance for your healing journey.

Rebekah Davis is a wellness guide & 500-hr Breath & Movement Certified (RYT-500)

Experienced and educated in:

Nervous System Health




Restorative Yoga

Yoga Philosophy





Pain Science

Cycle Health + Syncing

Like many women, I’ve experienced a fair share of aches and pains throughout life.

Throwing up every morning before being dropped off at summer camp due to anxiety when I was 9 is a memory that comes to mind…

Me around age 9

Aaaand throwing up the morning I took the SAT exams as a senior in high school.  

You get the idea.

The bouts of nausea didn’t stop there - they followed me through college and into my twenties. I know what it’s like to have anxiety and overwhelm that feel inescapable.

I know what it’s like to have physical pain that won’t go away. For 20 years, I experienced persistent pain in my left knee that would flare up and keep me from exercising and moving too much. My mom complains of knee pain too. And so did my grandma. So I figured it was just bad genetics and worried I would need a knee replacement like my grandma. 

Adding three babies to our home created a strong desire to be present to my children. But I found myself anywhere but the present. Mentally, I was in the past as I replayed social interactions and critiqued myself. I was also in the future as I rehearsed how to show up to others in a way that would make them like and include me. I worried I was going to miss their childhood and my own life. 

And my relationship with my body was complicated. Or maybe it wasn’t all that complicated because there wasn’t much of a relationship between me and my body at all. It never occurred to me this lack of relationship was so critical to all of the pain I was experiencing - and would be so critical to the healing I would experience.

All of this came to a head for me in the summer of 2019.

The pressure continued to build and I began to experience panic attacks.

My body was beginning to shut down.

I realized the way I was living wasn’t working.

Apparently, I needed more than another Bible study to heal.

I was stuck.

I had a choice—keep living the way I always had or make a change.

I chose to embark on a healing journey.  During that time, I realized a foundational problem that kept me from overcoming my challenges - my mind and my body were disconnected.  This lack of connection and integration inside myself had me running around feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and on autopilot.

So, I started rebuilding the connection between my mind and my body. With this newfound sense of connection and presence, the path and process to heal the symptoms I was experiencing became clear.

The experience has been transformational. 

I am no longer crippled and limited in my life by anxiety.  I feel an enormous sense of freedom in life.

I healed the pain in my knee without surgery or physical therapy.

And by changing my approach from trying to control and punish my body to loving and nurturing it instead, I lost 20 pounds without calorie-counting, running, or going to the gym.

As I reflect on my journey, there were two key tools that helped me get to this point.

Healing and life without chronic pain, anxiety, and feeling stuck was much closer than I ever imagined

The first tool was yoga. I found yoga four months postpartum after having my second child.  I had such an emotional release, crying on the mat in child’s pose for most of the hour-long class!  Later, I would learn that I was experiencing the birthright gift of being connected to my body, and this would be a required ingredient for my healing path.

The second tool was meeting with compassionate guides. I met with both licensed professionals and experienced mentors.  These people became witnesses to my journey, showing me the reality of my lived experiences and offering me different tools to move through my process to find joy and wholeness on the other side.

While I am in no way claiming I have “arrived” in life, I am proud of the progress I’ve made.  I have transformed.  And I have a deep desire for more women to feel powerful, comfortable, and present in their lives and bodies.

That’s why I now offer women these tools through Cardamom Wellness.

You can experience the grounding and calming magic of my therapeutic yoga classes in a Group Class or by booking a 1-on-1 Private Class

If you want a compassionate guide to walk alongside you on your healing journey, you can learn more about my Wellness Coaching here.

Women deserve to be equipped with the tools and knowledge about how their body works so they can lead lives of peace and connection.

It would be an honor to help you on your journey. 

If you have any questions, you can schedule a 15-minute call with me here. And if you want to follow along with what I’m learning and processing about women’s wellness and healing your nervous system, you can join the Cardamom Community Newsletter here>

With love and a firm belief in your power to heal,

- Rebekah Davis